Friday, April 24, 2009

Second Life, First Impressions

I have just created my new character in Second Life. Her name is Carrington Bluxome, and even though she still looks a little strange, I am still working on the details of her features. One feature I was very glad to finally figure out was how to get a skirt on her. For a while there, I was walking around in a shirt and black panties. Needless to say, I got a few comments on that! So, now I am fully clothed and trying to get done with the orientation and into the "real world."

I thought it was really strange seeing advertisements for companies we know here, like 1-800-FLOWERS. It makes sense, but I guess I didn't expect "real" companies to advertise in a digital world. Also, another thing that struck me was how many people from all over the world are on there. Someone asked me where I was from and when I said Minnesota, he didn't understand. It was because he was from Brazil and wasn't familiar with our states. I guess my assumptions were that New Life was made up of people solely from North America, but I need to think bigger.

I can see the appeal Second Life has for people. Everything you are afraid of and the limitations you have in real life don't exist. You can fly. You can look however you want to. There is an entirely new set of social rules, though they are similar to the ones we have. For example, it doesn't matter if you make a faux pas, you can just go up and talk to anyone you want and not have to worry so much about what they think. And so far, I have accidentally bumped into a lot of people while trying to learn how to walk and no one seems to mind too much.

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