Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Palazzo Pants

I was digging through my closet the other day and found an old pair of pants I haven't worn in over a year. The thing is, I purposefully haven't worn them in a year.

It dates back to one of the last times I subbed a high school French class. Going through my closet that morning, I wanted to pick out an outfit that was modest, yet stylish...Hmmm. A long, green, clean cut t-shirt with a bone colored necklace and some long, black palazzo pants, made out of a comfy, stretchy material. Yes, very stylish.

So I go to the class and am so excited to talk about French, tell the students there about how I lived there for over a year and...
"So...is that why you dress...like that?! Because you lived there?"
Wait. How am I supposed to take this? Good? Bad? I look down at what I am wearing and think about that morning. Stylish. Stylish?
I keep my eyes lowered, not knowing what to say. "Yeah," is all I can muster. Ok, change the topic.

So after the bell rings, all I can think about is, since when did I become so uncool? Is that even how you would term it? Did she mean that my outfit looked weird? No, I think it is worse than that. And that's when a formula for disaster pops into my head: Shannon+palazzo pants+not knowing what the latest term for "cool" is=old.


The funny thing is, I don't feel old. It's all relative, right? But any way you look at it, you can never be too careful. And that brings me to my next formula: Shannon avoiding feeling old+palazzo pants=palazzo pants into the trash. After more than a year, I have to say that feels much better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shannon, you are such a great writer! Your post was so funny!