Sunday, June 10, 2012

Three's Not Really a Crowd...

Life with 3 kids has been great so far. Better than great. It has been better than I even thought life could get. It's amazing how much I have changed since having Luke almost 8 years ago. I was such a stress case with him and now, with Sawyer, I am so laid back, so happy, much more confident as a parent. Everyone says that's always the case, but you never realize that until it happens to you. Things today were the same old, same old. Jordan snored the whole night which kept me awake most of the night. Then Sawyer woke up around 3 AM to eat. Then the kids woke me up at 7 AM to show me their luau wear that they were putting together so they could go "swimming" in the basement. I told them I would see it when it was time for me to really wake up and to leave me alone! So, to make a long story short, it was a typical Sunday at home-playing with the kids, feeding Sawyer his first solids (pears, which made his chubby face crinkle up and that he promptly spit out), talking with grandparents via iChat, grilling burgers, Family Home Evening, trying to get the kids to calm down, everyone on the bed to play with Sawyer, everyone off the bed to brush their teeth, trying to get everyone to sleep so we can sit for a bit and watch some TV in the basement etc. Yep, typical Sunday.