Monday, May 4, 2009

Literacy Quiz Results!

I am so excited! The results for my literacy quiz are all in! And although I can't post all the comments made, I did have a surprising amount of teachers respond based on the amount of them I sent it out to.

So here is the quiz (I tried to keep it brief):

1.When you hear the word “literacy,” do you:
a. associate the definition with being able to read and write text.
b. associate the definition with being able to understand, interpret and communicate with technology i.e. the internet, Smart Boards, IM, etc.
c. both


2.On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not important and 10 being very important, how important is educating students on using technology e.g. web searches, text messaging, posting home movies online, etc.?


3a. What forms of technology do you have in your classroom? b. Do you think they make a significant contribution to student's education? c. Why or why not (you can be brief)?


...and here are the results:

out of 11 responses,

for number 1, there were:

6 C's
5 A's
1 B

showing that the teachers were split overall on whether or not literacy is a technology issue or not. One interesting thing I noticed here was that those teachers I knew who had completed a higher level of education (Master's, PhD) always answered "C" except for one teacher (but keep in mind this still didn't account for everyone who answered "C").

As for question #2, the average score came out to be 7.8. This shows that teachers viewed educating students on technology as very important, especially when you take into consideration that those who didn't see it as important did so because they thought students already knew about technology or knew more than they did. Two of them gave ratings and stated:

"7 - While I feel this is important, I believe my students already know much more than I do about the use of technology. That's not what I'm there to teach them, but they are extremely useful tools."

"4, most students know how to use modern technology."


On the other end of the spectrum, some of those who felt a strong "10" stated:

"10 (high school is about preparing kids for life-life in the US means technology"

"Children born after 1993 are "Digital Natives". They use digital technology for most forms of research and communication. It is up to us to make sure they are literate in this domain."

And as for question #3:

The type and amount of technology available in the classroom seemed directly related to how much of a contribution the teacher felt the technology provided, meaning the less of a contribution the technology provided, the less amount of technology that was available to students in his/her classroom and/or vice versa, since it is hard to say which came first.

I tried not to post a lot of what I concluded on here because I am hoping those that view it will come to their own conclusions. So please post on here and let us know what you think!

1 comment:

Scarlett said...

What the heck! I can't believe you just barely let me know that you have a blog! Obviously, your blog is far more intelligent than mine. I just do the pics and the ordinary stuff. But mine has kinda become a scrapbook for me. Well, I put you on my blog list so I will be checking back. Since we don't get to talk very often, this a great way to keep in touch! Love ya and miss ya! Oh yeah, my blog is, if you want to say hi!