Friday, May 1, 2009


I come in contact with other women all the time, and sometimes I ask them what they "do." And sometimes they answer that they are moms. This lead into a conversation with one of them where we discussed our identity. Is that how we define ourselves now that are at home with our small children? Are we "moms"?

I am not saying this is a negative thing to be. In fact, it is just the opposite. But that is beside the point. The point is that moms need an identity outside of momhood. We need something of our own. We cannot work our jobs literally 24/7 (ok, so there are a few exceptions to that, but they are few, and I, for one, am not included in that group).

We need something that helps define ourselves when we are "on break." This may include hobbies, side jobs, relationships, etc. For example, one of my friends does hair out of her basement, and it is not only a job, but a hobby for her because she loves it so much. Another friend heads up a charity organization, I take classes online, another friend is one of the queens of blogging, the list goes on.

And when our kids are grown up and move out, we won't be left wondering who we are or what we are to do with ourselves, we will just let these identities take more precedence...though it may not necessarily be easy to do so.

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