Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yay. We Got a Minivan:( ;)

I never wanted a minivan. Still don't. Yes, I know there are many who will argue that minivans are the greatest things ever, that they make life so easy, that the storage space is so nice, etc. I have heard it all before, and I can completely understand all the benefits of having one.

BUT now that I am officially a "soccer mom," getting a minivan on top of that threw me over the edge.

It was actually Jordan who wanted one more than I did. He is selling more equipment now and needed the room, not to mention the two kids, etc. So he requested to trade in his Chevy Malibu company car for a minivan, and low and behold! He got one this weekend.

My reaction to it was mixed. I was happy to have all the convenience-automatic doors, cargo space, etc., yet, again, I am now going to be riding around in (sigh) a minivan.

So what is it about getting a minivan that is scary, uncomfortable, etc.? Is it that a minivan sybolizes the end of all youth and the transition into middle age? Is it the idea that you are putting out the image that you can only be as "stylish" as a minivan?

Maybe. Who knows for sure? The point is that, at least on the weekends, every weekend while Jordan is home and we have the minivan to drive, I am reminded to never say never.


Tanja said...

I'm so sorry, Shannon. I know how that whole minivan thing feels. We considered getting one a few years ago, but went with an SUV instead. I'm sure you have some great accessories with it though!

i_love_lamp said...

We have a minivan without any kids to show for it! My parents like to have access to a minivan when they come to FL to visit, so when they upgraded they left us with their old one. You can only imagine how silly we feel driving it, with no children in sight. We went to local state park that charges per person when you drive in - they asked, "How many in the back?" Umm, well, it's just the two of us, drivin' around in a minivan ... Sigh.

i_love_lamp said...

By the way this is Nicole Glover :)

KJA said...

I'm sorry! 3 years ago we were facing the same decision. I am just not a minivan girl (even though I drove Lori's and enjoyed the experience for it's convenience).
Like your friend Tanja we went with a 3rd row SUV (fully loaded). I must say it fits me more but was quite a bit more expensive than what I could have spent on a minivan.
Best of luck!
When the kids are gone - u can go crazy and get a FUN car.

Lisa_K said...

My minivan was not only the greatest thing to happen to me, it was the greatest thing to happen to the dog, too. He gets to come everywhere with me now, and I don't have to worry about dog hair on the seats.

Keli, frazzled but dazzled said...

I don't let my minivan make me feel old...
You may not know or remember this but Julia Komanecky had a minivan-- I think it was a purple Town and Country-- in high school. We would ride around in it listening to ''Hell Freezes Over.'' Now sometimes when I am driving to kids to swimming lessons I will roll down the windows and turn up ''Hotel California'' so loud that I can't hear them fighting. If I am really lucky, someone in the car next to me at the stop light will be smoking and then I really feel like I am back in 1996, trying not to inhale a van full of secondhand smoke and glad that she had a van so everyone could squeeze in one car.

Lisa_K said...

I actually have anonther minivan comment, which is pretty funny. My dad wanted a minivan for a long time, because a minivan can haul as much as his truck but is much more fuel efficient. My mom absolutely forbade it. My mom passed away about a year and one-half ago, and what does my dad do? He sells her car and buys a minivan. Not only do my sister and think this is hilarious because our mom would be po'ed beyond belief, but because it's the antithesis of what you might think a 55-year-old would do. Corvette? No. Dodge Caravan...wait, make that a Dodge GRAND Caravan.

Shannon Swanson said...

Keli made a comment about your link:

"I don't let my minivan make me feel old...
You may not know or remember this but Julia Komanecky had a minivan-- I think it was a purple Town and Country-- in high school. We would ride around in it listening to ''Hell Freezes Over.'' Now sometimes when I am driving to kids to swimming lessons I will roll down the windows and turn up ''Hotel California'' so loud that I can't hear them fighting. If I am really lucky, someone in the car next to me at the stop light will be smoking and then I really feel like I am back in 1996, trying not to inhale a van full of secondhand smoke and glad that she had a van so everyone could squeeze in one car."

Shannon Swanson said...

Thanks for all the consolation, congratulation, etc.! It seems as though I have a mini-van support group now;)

Shannon Swanson said...

Patrick made a comment about your link:

"put a fork in you yur done ."