Friday, May 1, 2009

Twitter at the Craft Fair

I went with a friend (Beth!) tonight to a local craft fair, and while there, we found a booth advertising "Healthy Harvest Gardens," which are kits that help you set up your own organic garden. There was a friendly couple behind the table who struck up a conversation with us and told us about their product.

Then I said I just had one question for them-were Healthy Harvest Gardens on Twitter? The husband slowly answered, "Nnnnooooo," while the wife burst out, "Yes! See? I tooold you!"

Oh no, I think I just ruined this guy's night...or maybe his life altogether. I sure didn't mean to cause an argument! But the good thing was that we had a small conversation about Twitter and how to use it for business. From this, we got that Twitter for business was good to drop hints, get the word out, etc., but that you still needed email.

Yes! More points for Shannon in her literacy class!

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