Friday, March 4, 2011

A Prayer for Louie the Lobster

Luke's favorite thing in the whole world is his lobster Jordan got him from Boston who sports a yellow rain coat. Every night when he goes to bed, Louie has to be there too so Luke can rub him and suck on his lip to help him relax. However, for about 3 or 4 weeks, Louie went missing, and Luke was so sad to have his best friend absent. So we told him to pray about it. We prayed about it. We prayed again, asking Heavenly Father to help Luke find his lobster. No lobster. It got to the point where in our personal prayers, we would add in something to the effect of how it would really be great if Luke could find his lobster so he could see that Heavenly Father answers prayers.

Finally, our prayers were answered when I was putting Luke to bed one night and saw something balled up where the sheets were tucked into the mattress. Sure enough, it was Louie. See Luke? It may not happen when you want it to happen, but it will happen when position yourself so as to find the answer you are looking for.

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